Wildebeest Guides

New Year, New You: 5 Tips To Reset You + Beest
Start the year off on the right paw by implementing healthy habits for you & your dog! Most of us humans like to reset and welcome the New Year with new goals, healthy habits, and striving to a...
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Oct | 21 | 2021
Taking care of your dog is a lifelong commitment. As pet parents we want to give our dogs a happy and healthy life throughout their time with us. Just like us humans, getting older for dogs can mean physical challenges such as loss of sight, hearing and smell, and a decrease in energy level and sometimes health issues.
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, your dog, depending on the breed, would be considered a senior as early as age 6 or 7 which is about 40-50 years in human years and can benefit from a lifestyle shifted to meet their needs as older pets.
In this blog article, we want to highlight the importance of taking early health precautions and list a few things that you can start implementing to maintain your senior pup’s wellbeing and maximize their lifespan as the years go on.
What you feed your pup is basically what they’re made of. You may want to or need to consider changing up their diet as they grow older and based on specific health needs that may arise.
Daily diets that incorporate above-average protein, below-average calories, and no high-risk preservatives are generally good anti-aging formulas to look for. Depending on your dog’s specific dietary needs, you may consider adding supplements (more on that topic later), probiotics, pumpkin for increased fiber intake, and steamed dark green veggies (ex. Kale, broccoli, spinach) for calcium, antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients to their current or senior catered diet.
There are many great food options out there today so we encourage you to do some research to find the option that best serves you & your senior pup. And remember to feed your dog proper portions according to their size, weight and exercise levels.
Just like humans, taking care of your dog’s immune system can help prevent more severe illnesses or diseases. Dog parks, vet offices, city streets and many other places that you visit on the daily can expose your dog to harmful bacteria or parasites. A strong immune system helps fight these harmful elements and keeps your dogs healthy. A compromised immune system can cause diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, joint pain, and much worse and senior dogs are much more vulnerable. Some ways to keep the immune system strong are:
- Proper hygiene - bathe your dog regularly to eliminate bad bacteria / parasites that your dog may pick up
- An ideal weight for their size and age - consult a veterinarian on what a healthy weight looks like for your dog and how many calories they should be consuming
- Rich antioxidant foods that are safe for dogs - like beans, apples, berries, cooked potatoes, cabbage, and broccoli can be fed safely and in moderation
- Clean toys and bowls - these are germ magnets as your dog touches everything with their mouth / nose after being outside, clean these with non-toxic cleaners
- Keep them stress free - avoid situations and environments that cause your dog to get anxious and remember that they can pick up on your stress as well
- Ask your vet - next time you go in for a comprehensive exam, ask your vet what other ways you can help boost your dog’s immune system
Increasing your pup’s intake of nutrients can be easily achieved with the help of supplements. You can find most options in treat forms or easily add to your dog's meals. Consult with your vet to see what supplements your senior dog would benefit from. Some general supplements beneficial for senior dogs are:
- Omega-3 / fish oils - helps with brain activity, eyesight, heart and kidney function, immune system and keeping skin and coat smooth and shiny
- Senior chewable formula - contains vitamins and minerals to support overall health
- Hip & Joint - supports hips and joints against pain and deteriorating range of motion with active ingredients like omega-3 and glucosamine.
- Bladder Control - supports normal bladder control and immune system function
- Heart Health - increases nutrients of L-carnitine and Coenzyme Q10 (older dogs don’t have enough in their bodies) and supports cardiovascular health
No matter what age your dog happens to be, giving them daily exercise is always important. Although senior dogs may not be able to be as active like they were as a pup, make sure to maintain that daily exercise and slow things down for them. A leisurely stroll around your neighborhood, initiating play time, or swimming (hydrotherapy) are great exercises for senior pets. Daily exercise can also lessen the chances of joint problems as consistent movement of muscles will support joints and keep them limber.
For more activity ideas, check out our “Guide to staying active indoors & out”
Dogs crave for both mental and physical stimulation, but once your dog starts to get older you should increase the amount of mental stimulation especially as they start to encounter challenges with getting enough physical stimulation. Keeping their minds stimulated will increase their happiness and health.
Consider getting your dog puzzle toys / mats or planting treats in a room of the house for them to smell out. Any fun and creative activity that gets them using their brains will keep them sharp and focused as they get older.
For more indoor activity ideas, check out the Exercise + Activity section from our blog article “Guide to staying at home with your dog in a pandemic”, or “Guide to staying active indoors & out”
Vets recommend scheduling a visit every 6 months for senior dogs. These are wellness exams to keep a closer eye on your dog’s health so that they can catch any developing conditions early and provide treatment as soon as possible. Ask your vet about scheduling routine checkups for your senior dog.
.If given the opportunity to stop time and keep our furry friends around forever, we probably wouldn’t hesitate to do so. But growing older is a natural progression that happens to all of us and the best we can do as caretakers of our beests is to provide them with a healthy, happy life full of love and special moments that they so deserve.
We’re most certain that staying proactive and conscious of your dog’s basic needs -- both physical and mental -- and remembering to venture out together and build your bond with them along the way... will bring about a truly fulfilling life and companionship that we all dream about.
Wildebeest creates everyday essentials that help you build that special bond, share adventures big & small and make amazing memories with your beest. We want to be there every step of the way, with our gear & pom pom’s in tow, supporting you & beest all throughout the lifetime of your companionship. SHOP OUR GEAR
Wildebeest's Guide to Senior Dog Care
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Sep | 21 | 2021
It doesn’t matter what kind of person you are or what kind of dog they are… the bottom line is, we all yearn to discover that special connection with the beest in our life all the same. Building a bond, nurturing that relationship and finding meaningful moments along the way is ultimately what animal companionship is all about. And we can all agree that animal companionship makes life more wholesome, fulfilling and happier. Research shows that bonding with your pet improves health such as lowering blood pressure, strengthening your immune system, reducing stress and anxiety and much more.
Bonding with your dog can start as early as the day you bring them home as a puppy, full grown adults or even senior dogs. Bonding is not complicated, it’s actually quite simple if you think about what makes you both happy. And it doesn’t stop when your dog’s a certain age, you can continue nurturing your connection as long as we live. Here are 5 easy ways you can start incorporating into your daily routine.
Taking a walk together is one of the most basic but powerful activities you can do with your dog to create a bond. Even if you have a yard or fresh grass for pup to go potty in, consider leashing pup up and going for a short stroll once a day. If you get tired of taking the same route, switch it up by taking a different street or setting off to somewhere new with no time limit. Take the time to be present with your pup as you both walk side by side in the same direction… bonding over taking in the scenery and new sounds and smells together.
2. TRAIN 1:1
Dogs like to be mentally, physically, and emotionally stimulated, and of course, be rewarded! Set aside 5-10 mins of 1:1 training in your day where pup is challenged to learn a new trick and you reward them with their favorite treats when they nail it! This dynamic interaction not only builds a stronger relationship between you both, it will also make your dog happier and more obedient. Training can be as basic or complex as you want it to be as long as you remain focused on them without distractions during your 1:1 time.
Dogs love to PLAY! Grabbing your pup's favorite toy and engaging for some intimate playtime is a fun way to build a stronger bond with your dog. Whether it’s an indoor game of tug or heading outside for a few minutes of fetch, it doesn’t take much more than a small object like an old sock or a ball to create quality play time. It’s more about the energy and attention you bring to the table that your dog will love and appreciate! :)
This one sounds simple but the key is to pet your pup with your full attention. Figure out what they LOVE… a belly rub, a good behind the ears scratch, making eye contact or hearing your sweet-talk to them... whatever it is, let them know you love them and are taking the time to be present with them.
Exercising and staying active is important in building a strong relationship with your pup, but so is slowing down and relaxing together. There’s not really a “best” time or place for a good snuggle to take effect, however at the end of your day on a comfy couch sounds pretty perfect for enjoying some quality down time together. This creates a sense of safety / comfort in your dog (and you too!). You may also work in #4 right here. :)
These are just some really easy basic -- but effective -- bonding activities that you can do together to show your beest how much you care for them and what they mean to you. But spending all of your day together everyday isn’t so healthy either. It actually helps your bond to have some separation for a portion of the day. So give your dog some space to unwind and destress in between their interactions with you. Consider setting up a crate or a pup-only nook in their favorite part of the house where they can be alone. Remember, creating these boundaries between you and your dog is an essential part of building a stronger bond also.
As you get to know your beest and yourself as their companion better, we’re sure you’ll discover new bonding activities and some favorites that work for just you. The beauty of the human-dog companionship is that every bond is unique and there’s no limit to what it can be. So let’s go find our special bond with beest. Happy Bonding! :D
Wildebeest creates everyday essentials that help you build that special bond, share adventures big & small and make amazing memories with your beest. We want to be there every step of the way, with our gear & pom pom’s in tow, supporting you & beest all throughout the lifetime of your companionship. SHOP OUR GEAR
5 Easy Ways To Bond With Your Dog
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Jun | 21 | 2021
Post-pandemic living is slowly approaching and for a lot of us that means heading back to the office for work, classes on campus instead of zoom, gatherings and social events, traveling and spending less time at home. With so much excitement towards getting back to how things were before this pandemic hit, you might have overlooked or simply not started training your new furry friend that you got while the world was on pause. Those pups may not be ready for the moment when you or your household members’ routines shift from being home so much. And not only the new pups, but those companions that have been with you for much longer too may be susceptible to being affected by similar routine changes.
We all can agree that pandemic life would have been so much harsher without our wonderful Beests, so as responsible pet owners, we owe it to our pups to train / equip them with the tools to prevent separation trauma. We put together a list of simple training exercises you can start implementing now to get your dog (and yourself!) ready for post-pandemic life and ease any separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety is a panic response from your pup and can be triggered when they have been so accustomed to human contact, by changes in family routine / structure or being left alone for the first time. Distressed separation anxiety behaviors that your pup can show are digging and scratching, destructive chewing, barking / whining, urinating in the home even when they are housebroken / potty-trained.
Here are 5 training tips that can help you prepare
- Create a “safe place / area” in your home for your dog to hang out in when you aren’t home to acknowledge that they are safe there. Include their favorite toy or something interactive that they enjoy. You can also add an item with your scent (blanket or piece of clothing) which will lend a calming scent while you aren’t there. This “safe place / area” should be big enough to have them roam around loosely yet limit them to be destructive while you're away, such as a pet playpen.
- Practice leaving your dog alone for short periods of time. This can include leaving them alone in their crate / kennel / safe place while you are in a different room or leaving physically for a few minutes to an hour. Slowly increase the amount of time they are left alone to prepare them for situations where you are out for longer periods of time.
- Stay mellow and ignore your dog right after you get home and before you leave the house -- we know... so hard not to get excited, right?! Once they are calm after you are home for a few minutes, you can reward them with praise, pets, kisses and treats. This exercise helps instill a calm state of mind in your dog when you're not around.
- Implement basic commands such as sit-down-stay in your training routine. For your dog this creates a sense of remaining calm and happy in one place while you are not around or in a different room. Once you’ve mastered the basics, try introducing a command or action such as “be back” or “go to your bed” to help pup understand that it’s OK that you’re leaving and that you will be back. Practice consistently and with positive reinforcement to build confidence!
- Stimulate your dog’s brain and senses. Keep them engaged with new activities, daily exercise, or hide things around the house / yard for them to find. This will not only elevate their quality of life but also help build up confidence and minimize anxious behaviors. Try adding an interactive toy or lickmat to your daily routine to get pup used to playing with them when you are and aren’t around.
We also recommend staying away from punishment or introducing a new pup into your home as you work through this training, it can create more anxiety in your dog. Remember, consistency is everything in training!
Dog mom and Youtuber Rachel Fusaro recommends “stimulating your dogs life” as she mentions in her “Separation Anxiety” video, a lot of anxiety comes from boredom and by incorporating some kind of challenge (tricks, commands, practices) will stimulate and calm them down. If your dog has experienced a traumatic event from their previous home, consider over the counter calming products or consult your vet on some solutions to help ease their nervousness and anxiety.
Remember that desensitizing your pet to being home alone or working through their panic responses can take time and patience. It’s important to stay consistent and committed to training and practicing a healthy routine with your dog so that when post-pandemic life resumes, you and your dog will be confident and ready!
Wildebeest is committed to creating quality everyday products that keep you & your beest ready for all your adventures. Show us how you enjoy our gear — tag us on @wildebeest_co or use #mywildebeest!
5 Easy Training Exercises for Post Pandemic Life with Dog
read Article - Create a “safe place / area” in your home for your dog to hang out in when you aren’t home to acknowledge that they are safe there. Include their favorite toy or something interactive that they enjoy. You can also add an item with your scent (blanket or piece of clothing) which will lend a calming scent while you aren’t there. This “safe place / area” should be big enough to have them roam around loosely yet limit them to be destructive while you're away, such as a pet playpen.
Apr | 09 | 2021
Let’s talk about poop bags. We know it's a topic not a lot of people put a whole lot of thought into. Your dog needs to go out and you bring along a roll of poop bags to clean up after them, you pick it up, toss it and you don’t have to think about it again, simple right? Well being in the dog world as a dog products company, we started to see things a little differently. Taking into account things like where does your bag of poo end up after you throw it away, how does it affect our planet, does biodegradable really mean it breaks down all the way, and are most poop bags biodegradable?
We did a little bit of research and found out that one regular plastic poop bag can take about 500 years to break down in a landfill. And in 2019, approximately 500 million plastic poop bags were used throughout the world. Let's just say a dog's life lasts 10 years and he poops 2 times a day (that's pretty conservative) -- do the math and you're looking at picking up and throwing away poop 7300 times in his lifetime -- which also gives you a bit of perspective on how many poop bags you're responsible for sending to the landfill.
We all know that plastic bags are not great for our planet, yet we still use and discard plastic poop bags daily, thinking that they will break down like compost. Truth is that poop bags that claim to be biodegradable may not be as biodegradable as you think. For a poop bag to actually decompose and be biodegradable it can’t have any plastic in it. Most of the biodegradable bags that a lot of dog owners purchase contain an oxo-biodegradable material, which actually can be more harmful than a plastic bag as it breaks down into smaller pieces that doesn’t completely degrade, making it more difficult to pick up.
On a similar note, we also want to address the plastic holders that hold your plastic poop bags. The major change our planet is experiencing is the amount and accumulation of plastics. It’s a long-lived material and takes decades to breakdown, yet seconds to throw out. As of 2020, more than one-third of all plastic was disposable packaging like bottles and bags. So what kind of damage is plastic actually causing you may ask?- Plastics in landfills can leak chemicals and spread into groundwater
- Chemicals that are in plastics can be absorbed into the bloodstream
- Plastic particles / debris can be ingested by marine animals and cause a lot of harm
- If made to the ocean, plastic can float into wildlife habitats and cause disruption
According to the Environmental Health News, “most of these (plastic) materials are unlikely to degrade quickly in natural habitats”. How does this tie into your plastic poop bag holder ? Well when you think about it, the average plastic poop bag holder lasts about 1-2 years depending on how it wears and tears. When it’s time to replace your plastic holder, most dog owners settle for the cheaper replacement… another plastic holder to last another year or so. As you start to add that up over your dog's lifetime, that’s a lot of plastic holders and poop bags that will take many years to break down or it might not even break down at all.
This is why we designed a solution to help lessen the impact on our planet as dog owners. Even though our 100% Biodegradable Poop Bags are not zero-impact, they're by far one of the most earth-friendly poop bag options out there. It’s made of a plant starch formula which breaks down completely and harmlessly, just like those compost bags you use for food waste (just don't put your dog's poop bag in the compost!). These poop bags are unscented and gentle on sensitive humans and rolled on a cardboard core which you can recycle when you get to the end of the poop bag roll. Combined with our Funston Baggie made from nylon fabric, which is far more compact and efficient than a bulky plastic poop bag dispenser, you can go about your doggy duties knowing that you’ve made solid purchasing decisions by choosing Wildebeest and won’t have to spend more money replacing under-serving gear over time.As dog lovers, we believe that all of us can and should make the effort to minimize our impact on the planet as much as possible. Doing some research, educating ourselves, and choosing dog gear with more earth-friendly options are all it takes to start making a positive impact today.
Wildebeest creates everyday essentials that help you build that special bond, share adventures big & small and make amazing memories with your Beest. We'll be right there every step of the way, with our gear & Wild4Life Warranty in tow, supporting you & Beest all throughout the lifetime of your companionship!
Wildebeest's Guide to Poop Bags & Dispensers
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Mar | 12 | 2021
We've put together some quick tips here that will help you & pup get acquainted with our Linden harness better. Some of you have been reaching out to us about pups experiencing discomfort and about chewed harnesses. These detailed fitting instruction and desensitizing tips can help alleviate some of the issues you're having with your Linden harness.
Linden Harness Fitting Tips
- Loosen all straps of the harness to it's longest setting to start your fitting.
- Put harness over pup's head and buckle up. Adjust top and bottom straps around the rib cage to a snug fit. Make sure harness sits along the center of your pup's chest and torso, not too high not too low. If too low, the harness can effect the range of motion of the front legs, if too high it can be in the way of pup's neck.
- Once top and bottom straps are fitted, adjust the front strap - working the left and right sides equally - just tight enough that it's not sagging. The front strap does NOT need to be super tight for the Linden Harness to be effective. If too tight, it can yank the harness forward / dig into pup's armpits, causing discomfort.
- If your Linden harness is digging into pup's armpits while the front strap is on its biggest setting, then you may want to try the next size up.
Linden Harness Desensitizing Tips
- Make sure the harness fits your pup well. Adjust all straps so there are no loose or sagging parts.
- Train pup inside the house to get desensitized to wearing the harness. Make sure you're supervising and treating all the way through -- put harness on for 3 minutes at a time, keeping pup's focus on you and not on the harness. Take off harness right after each session and break. Increase duration to 5 to 10 to 15 minutes as pup completes each session successfully and without biting the harness.
- Get pup outside in the harness for a short work, keeping focus (use treats, toys.. whatever works) for the entire walk. Increase walk duration from 5 to 10 to 15 and so on.
- Take harness off each time you come back from your walk -- this eliminates the chance of pup getting his teeth on it. Don't underestimate how quickly your pup can chew out of a harness!
- Most pups will grow out of the "chew phase", just train pup to keep his focus elsewhere. While they're teething / growing out of their chew phase, give him plenty of chew toys and snacks to satiate his needs.
We want to make sure that our gear makes you & pup's lives easier and better as intended by its design. For the Linden harness, our goal is to help you achieve beautiful dog walks with minimal pulling behavior.
>> Email us if you have any questions or need further assistance.
Wild4Life Warranty replaces worn/torn, chewed, outgrown gear at a discount.Wildebeest is committed to creating quality everyday products that keep you & your beest ready for all your adventures. Show us how you enjoy our gear — tag us on @wildebeest_coor use #mywildebeest!
Linden Harness How-To / Fitting & Desensitizing Tips
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Nov | 17 | 2020
Holiday season is quickly approaching and most of us didn’t expect to be spending this year’s holidays in a pandemic. Our yearly festivities this time around might look a little different, like staying home this year instead of traveling or celebrating locally with your small immediate family. So we thought of some fun indoor and outdoor activities to help you and your pup stay active and positive during the holidays.
- Walking / jogging around the neighborhood together. Try a different route to keep it fresh & take a stroll in an area you’ve never seen before.
Gear to support you: Linden Harness / Funston Leash & Baggie) - At home workout. Make a unique workout routine that works for you and your pup. Do some leg and foot work or some cardio going up and down the stairs, incorporate your beest by using their added weight for strength building.
- Nosework inside the house. Hide your pup’s favorite treat / toy around the house for them to “find it”. We suggest trying natural raw treats like Barkley’s Bag, they are perfect size for your beest’s to sniff out and delicious enough to make your pups drool over. Don’t forget to praise them! Make it more challenging by hiding one or more treats in multiple areas. Get creative with this one, try using old boxes, bags, or shoes to make it more challenging for them.
Gear to support you: Alamo Treat Pouch - Tug & Fetch. A classic that can be done inside or out and with your pups favorite ball or toy. If you plan on having family or friends around this is a plus to get them involved and bonding / interactive with your pup. Not to mention it will tire them out, keeping them calm and less likely to get into trouble.
- Doga. Lay out a mat and do some morning stretches with your Beest. You can do this in your living room or take it outside and get some fresh air together. This will start both of your day’s off positively and calm… ready for whatever comes your way.
- Holiday Sightseeing. Get into the spirit and walk around your neighborhood or take a trip to your favorite spot to gaze upon some lights and decorations. That always cheers us up :) You’ll get to enjoy some holiday festivities while taking beest on a nice long walk where you’ll both get some good exercise.
Gear to support you: Montara Pop-Up Bowl / All Weather Jacket (for those wet or chilly days)
We hope you found these tips helpful and encourage everyone, whether you’re staying home or heading out of town this season, to try these activities and get you & your pack moving. Let’s face it, with all the holiday foods, snacks, treats. and desserts… keeping active will be a great way to balance it out.
Happy Holidays and if you plan on seeing family and friends make sure to continue to social distance and wear a face covering.
Wildebeest is committed to creating quality everyday products that keep you & your beest ready for all your adventures. Show us how you enjoy our gear — tag us on @wildebeest_co or use #mywildebeest!
Wildebeest Guide to Staying Active Indoors & Out
read Article - Walking / jogging around the neighborhood together. Try a different route to keep it fresh & take a stroll in an area you’ve never seen before.
Oct | 01 | 2020
2020 has been filled with a lot of uncertainties due to COVID-19 and harsh weather conditions and natural disasters. And having a kit of basic essentials on hand can make us pet parents feel much better prepared for any emergency situation.
You might be wondering where to start, what is and isn’t essential and how much to bring if you have multiple pets. We’ve put together a list of 15 items you should have in your pet’s emergency kit and you can customize the list based on your specific needs.
1. Action Plan
As pet parents we need to have a plan in case of any emergency. Prepare yourself and all family members in your home on where to meet, know what locations accept pets in case of home evacuations and have a print out map and list of animal emergency locations in your area. Have this information written down in your emergency kit for reference and remember to keep it up-to-date.
2. Backpack / Travel Bag
Keep everything together in a backpack or duffel. Depending on the size and needs of your pets we suggest to pack a bag for each pet or compartmentalize their supplies, and making a separate emergency pack for yourself and members of your home. Your animals should have their own backpack to ensure they are equipped with everything incase you and your animals need to separate.
3. Food & Water
Bottled water and canned / dry food to last up to 3-7 days. If you have multiple pets have enough food and water for each pet and Include tools for your food choice such as a can opener or measuring guides for food.
4. Medications
If your pet takes any medications pack a few days worth in a childproof container. Label it with name, what it is, what it’s for, dosage and strength. Also keep on hand medical records and any important information about your pets health if they have medical needs.
5. ID Tags
Keep your pet’s ID tags up-to-date with Name, phone number, address and if they require specific medications or are microchipped. Consider getting an extra ID tag for your pets harness, collar, or pack as a backup.
6. Pet First Aid Kit
Consider making your own first aid kit (specific to your animal) or get one that’s already equipped with the basics such as gauze, tweezers, an ice pack, hydrogen peroxide, and adhesive tape. Amazon or your local pet stores carry a variety of pre-assembled first aid kits. For DIY first aid kit, check out a list put together by we the Animal Health Foundation.
7. List of Emergency Contacts & Important Info
Write down your contact information and emergency contacts in case you are separated, as well as microchip numbers, veterinary information and any other medical information that is important. Keep this list along with any other medical documents you need to carry in a waterproof sleeve to keep safe and dry in your travel bag.
8. Pet Photo
Have a current printed out photo of each of your pets in your kit in case you get separated from them. Having photos on your phone is convenient but in an emergency situation where your phone dies or there is no signal you should have a physical print out to help identify them.
9. Basic Care Items
- WetWipes
- Sanitizer
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- garbage bags for clean up
- paper towels
- extra poop bag rolls
10. To-Go Bowl
We suggest having one or two bowls on hand that are collapsible and save space. Our Montara Pop-Up bowl is lightweight and compact enough to keep in your emergency kit. It can hold food or water, attaches to your leash or travel bag with velcro strap and is also easy to wipe clean or rinse out with water.
11. Treats & Treat Pouch
A bag of your pets favorite treats will help keep them calm and entertained during stressful situations. We suggest keeping a new bag of freeze dried or dry treats in your pack along with a pouch you can keep around your waist for easily accessing treats and other items like poop bags, keys, wallet, etc.
12. Extra Gear
You never know what might happen in an emergency and keeping an extra set of gear in your bag can prevent you and your pet from separating. Include a sturdy leash, collar and/or harness along with a soft muzzle in case your pets act out of anxiety or it's required by places you’d like to enter. Equip your backup gear with ID tags with your pets information.
@keepingfinnWhether it’s a favorite toy or blanket with your scent on it, bring something along that your pet is familiar and comfortable with. Keep in mind that emergency situations can create nervousness or anxiety in your pets. Having a familiar from home can help keep them calm and comfortable.
14. Carrier
This might not be on everyone’s list but consider a durable lightweight or collapsable carrier for your smaller pets if they are easily spooked or don’t do well off leash. A carrier can help keep them calm around other people and animals and prevent runaway pets. Keep your pets name, phone number or any important numbers well marked on your crate / carrier.
15. Blankets & Seasonal Gear
Depending on where you live and what seasons you get, make sure you are prepared for any type of weather. So extra blankets or Jacket might be in your kit if you experience snow or rainy seasons.
Download a printable checklist here!
Keep in mind your emergency pet kit should acknowledge and contain everything someone should know about your pet if you weren’t there to tell them. Your kit should be kept near the door or near an emergency exit in your home that everyone in your household knows about and is easy to access. If you live alone or in an apartment / complex building consider exchanging information with your neighbors in case of an emergency that may occur when you aren’t home.
Remember to also change out expired food, water, treats, and medication every so often in your emergency kit, as well as update your pet’s medical / veterinary / ID information when it changes.
Being prepared for you and your pet is an important responsibility of a pet parent and being evacuation, blackout or environmental disaster will help keep and your pets calm and collected.
Wildebeest is committed to creating quality everyday products that keep you & your beest ready for all your adventures. Show us how you enjoy our gear — tag us on @wildebeest_co or use #mywildebeest!
Wildebeest's Guide to Pet Emergency Kits
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Apr | 22 | 2020
1. Cleaning & Organizing
With more free time on our hands now than ever, we’re often finding ourselves feeling bored or just plain lost. Here’s a few simple cleaning routines to keep us busy and our live/work/play spaces tidy and sanitary while we practice Stay-At-Home with our beests.
- Wash out pup’s food bowls and wipe down any mess around their feeding area (daily)
- Sweep / vacuum around the kitchen floor to keep any food scraps away from pup (daily)
- Vacuum / mop the floors & rugs for fur & dust (daily or weekly)
- Tidy up pup’s lounge area, keep their nest fresh and comfy (daily or weekly)
- Organize pup’s pantry - make sure all foods & treats are sealed for freshness, labeled clearly and out of nose’s reach (weekly)
- Reorganize pup’s belongings - hang up their walking gear, tidy their bandanas and outfits(!), go through old toys and reintroduce or purge (monthly)
- Wash / wipe down / shake put pup’s gear - leash, collar, harness, treat pouch, blankets and bed / duvet, etc. (monthly or bi-monthly?)
- Provide safe & sanitary access to other spaces of your abode for beest - keep clean the porch, stoop, back yard (lucky you!), garage, car, etc. (monthly)
2. Beauty + Grooming
Anyone else noticing your Beests looking a little extra FLOOFY lately…. Shelter in Place has been tough especially when it comes to grooming the pups. Sharing a couple simple DO’s and DON’TS if you plan on giving Beest their at home self care day.
- Hair / fur - DO have patience and take your time. Trim with a dry and clean pup. Make sure to have proper grooming shear / clippers (No. 10 clipping blade is recommended).
- Nail - DO choose a place that is well lit to see properly. If your pup has white nails clip until you see pink (quick) if your pup has black nails, clip a little at a time until you see a solid black dot on the tip.
- Tooth brushing - DON’T use human toothpaste. Use pet-safe tooth paste and a soft bristle brush or a child’s toothbrush. Give your pup small samples of toothpaste to introduce the taste. Don’t forget to reward them with positive behavior with treats, play time, or petting.
- Paws - DO use moist wipes that are pet safe after each walk. Gently wipe in between toes and pads. If paws are too messy consider washing pups paws with a soapy washcloth and make sure to rinse thoroughly.
3. Exercising & Activity
Staying at home doesn’t necessarily mean we have to give up our activities. For us dog people, our beests are a good reason to stay active outdoors as well as indoors. Here are some easy exercise & activity ideas to keep us healthy in the body and mind.
- Walking / jogging around the neighborhood together. Go a different way to keep it fresh & stimulating. Don’t forget to bring your mask!
- Stairs - find some flights of stairs around your house, building, neighborhood and walk or jog ‘em up & down... get some cardio in (& butt lift yeah!) with pup in tow.
- Squats & Lunges - cradle that beest in your arms like a baby and go about your squat and lunge reps. 3 or 4 sets of 10? Use your discretion for larger/heavier dogs!
- Tug & Fetch (AKA good ol’ endless fun for beest!) - you all know this one and it’s still a good indoor activity for engaging and bonding with your pup.
- Nosework - hide pup’s favorite treat or toy in a box and have them “find it”. Praise them! Make it more challenging by hiding one or more treats in multiple boxes. A fun way to repurpose all those cardboard boxes or paper bags you’ve accumulated this month!
- Hide and seek - dare you to get this silly! Literally go hide when pup’s not looking and call them or give that squeaky toy a good squeeze. Give treats and praises when they find you.
- New tricks - why not use this time to teach pup that trick you always wanted to. Don't forget to bring your Alamo Treat Pouch to your training session! :)
4. Meditations
Shelter in place has got us going a little stir-crazy, so we can only imagine how your pup is doing with all this indoor time. Meditation is a great way for not only you but also for Beestie to relax and spend some quality time together. A few tips on how you can incorporate a simple 10 minute meditation to your daily routine:
- Find a cozy calming spot in the house and sit down with Beest. You can even lay out a yoga mat for you and Beest to share.
- Focus on your Breath, this is the key to meditation. Try to align your breath with your pup’s. Focusing on their inhale and exhale and do your best to sync them together.
- Put on some dog meditation music to help set the mood. Remember the most important step is making your pup feel comfortable and relaxed.
- Know that there will be times where you pup won’t want to meditate, that's okay you can do other forms of meditation together like on your morning walk
- Stay patient, this will take some time for you and pup to learn. Know your pup’s body language to know when is a good time to do a meditation moment
- Practice Practice Practice. Start with meditating for a couple minutes then slowly progress the time once your pup starts to get the hang of things.
5. Homemade Treats
We’ve been seeing a lot of home cooking and baking going on these days which we think is PAWSOME and encourage you to carry on FUREVER! When it comes to dog treats, home cooking is THE way to ensure the ingredients are healthy and catered to any dietary restrictions, and of course budget-friendly. Ok, here are some EASY delicious treat ideas to keep beest happy & healthy.
PB&B Yogurt Pupsicle
- ½ banana, 16oz greek yogurt, 2 tablespoon peanut butter
- Blend until creamy.
- Pour into icecube tray and freeze.
Sweet Potato Jerky
- 1 sweet potato.
- Preheat oven to 250.
- Wash sweet potato and cut lengthwise - think french fries.
- Place on cookie sheet in single layer.
- Bake for at 250 for 3 hours or until chewy.
Chicken & Rice Bites
- 1 cup diced chicken (or substitute other meat), ½ cup rice (cooked & mashed), 3 tablespoons rice flour, 1 tablespoon parsley, 1 egg
- Preheat oven to 350.
- Mix ingredients together and put into silicone molds.
- Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown. Keep refrigerated.
Cheesy Biscuits
- 2 cups brown rice flour, 1 cup of cheddar cheese, ½ cup water, 2 tablespoons oil.
- Preheat oven to 250.
- Combine flour and cheese then add water and oil to make a stiff dough.
- Roll on floured surface to ⅜” thick. Stamp with your favorite cookie cutter and place on cookie sheet.
- Bake for 2-2 ½ hours until golden brown.
Other Summery Frozen Treats
6. Homemade Toys
For those of you feeling up for some no-frills crafting, here’s a couple of homemade toy ideas to make out of scrap materials that'll keep pup entertained while social distancing!
Braided tug toy: cut three 3” wide by 12” long strips from an old T-shirt. Make a knot with the strips on one end, braid them and make another knot to finish. Add your own touch by using different colors or braiding techniques, letting the loose strips of fabric hang long on one side or attaching a tennis ball.
- Tennis ball treat dispenser: cut a slit in a tennis ball that will fit your pup's favorite treat. Make it challenging enough for pup to figure out how to get their favorite treats out!
- Crackly sock toy: only god knows where those socks disappear to from the laundry, but at least we can make a dog toy with what’s left. Put an extra crackly water bottle in an old sock and tie a knot at the opening. Crunchy crackly fun for hours!
7. Movies for Dog lovers
Let’s be honest here… a lot of us are spending more time on Netflix and Hulu than anything else these days (totally acceptable in times like this), so we wanted to share some all time favorite dog movies to watch for any dog lover / those who want to have a movie night with Beest.
- “Lady and The Tramp” - a Disney classic filled with romance and spaghetti.
- “Best In Show” - get ready for the obsession. This is US!
- “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale” - trust us and bring a box of tissues.
- “Marley & Me” - perfect for the whole fam, filled with lots of laughs and relatable “getting your first dog” moments.
- “101 Dalmations” - Mom & Dad to the rescue from the infamous Cruella De Vil.
- “Beethoven” - a rambunctious St. Bernard wins the heart of his new family, slobbers and all.
- “Frankenweenie” - a Tim Burton stop motion animation brings a quirky fantastical story of a boy and his dog.
- “Turner & Hooch” - young Tom Hanks & slobbery Hooch the dogue on a quest for love.
- “A Dog’s Purpose” followed with the sequel “A Dog’s Journey” - if you need a good cry, these won't let you down. :)
- “Isle of Dogs” - stop-motion animation of Japanese dogs on a trash island, with a touch of Wes Anderson quirk and humor.
Stay home and stay healthy everyone!
Wildebeest is committed to creating quality everyday products that keep you & your beest ready for all your adventures. Show us how you enjoy our gear — tag us on @wildebeest_co or use #mywildebeest!
Guide to Staying At Home With Your Dog In A Pandemic
read Article - Wash out pup’s food bowls and wipe down any mess around their feeding area (daily)
Sep | 12 | 2019
Do you worry that your pup isn’t getting enough exercise? Because a dog’s energy threshold is determined by many things such as breed, age, and overall demeanor, it can be hard to know for sure whether or not they’re getting the physical exertion that’s optimal for their lifestyle.While every dog is unique, there are some general guidelines for life stages to keep in mind. Small indicators such as behavioral problems or excessive destruction are a good sign that the pup might need some more activity — conversely, if they’re sleeping as much as your housecat, you’re probably doing something right!
If you’re unsure about how much energy your dog needs to burn off each day, check out these life-stage guidelines so you can ensure you’re doing enough of (and the right kind of!) exercising with your pup:
Puppies are undoubtedly adorable, but they’re also full of playful energy they need to use up. Giving them plenty of opportunity for exercise will keep them well-behaved, help with potty training, and ensure they’re staying at an optimum weight as they grow into adulthood. A good rule of thumb is to do 5 minutes of exercise per month of age twice per day until the puppy is fully grown.
Since puppies’ joints are still developing, it’s important to choose exercises that won’t cause undue strain or set them up for future issues. In the beginning, avoid activities that involve lengthy runs, stairs, or steep inclines. Instead, use this time to teach pup to use puzzle toys, schedule puppy playdates, or begin working on fetch basics. Puppyhood is the perfect time to experiment with a lot of different activities to find out what your dog enjoys — just be sure to pick things that can be done in short bursts with lots of time to rest in between.
Young Adults
Larger than puppies with about the same threshold for activity, almost-grown dogs will certainly keep you on your toes. In the “teen years” of dog ownership, young dogs are still not fully matured but can do much more than they could as a puppy. Their joints are still at risk for straining but much less so, and they’ll be better at taking a break on their own when they get tired.
This is a great time to let them start exploring the world around them in more depth. If you’re near a safe body of water, swimming is a great, no-impact activity to try (and it will wear. them. out.)! This is also a great time to take field trips to a dog park, so you can start building socialization manners and give them time to explore off-leash in a controlled environment. Make sure to provide plenty of water and let their curiosity be your guide.
Fully grown pups will start to mellow out eventually, but they still need regular exercise to keep them happy, healthy, and out of trouble! Experts recommend a guideline of about 60 minutes per day, but that number should be customized based on any health restrictions (such as Brachycephalic breeds) and each individual pup’s needs.
To get the energy out of adult dogs, you can do whatever your pup prefers! Walks, jogs, and hikes will get their nose and legs working, and honing in on their fetch skills is a low-effort activity for you. Additionally, adulthood is the perfect time to try out an organized activity if you think your pup might be interested — dogs of all breeds can thrive in sports such as barn hunts, sporting agility, or flyball.
Senior Dogs
You can definitely teach an old dog new tricks! While senior pups shouldn’t be subjected to high-impact exercises, there are still plenty of things you can do to keep them active. Take things at their pace, but short, frequent walks and play sessions are great for maintaining their health.
Additionally, there are activities you can do with your senior dog that aren’t cardiovascularly straining at all. Teaching them new tricks, playing “find the treat”, and setting them up with puzzles or snuffle mats will keep their minds and bodies engaged for a long and happy life!
Wildebeest creates adventure-ready dog gear for the modern family. All products carry a Wild4Life guarantee, so you can exercise without worry! Show us how you get your beest’s activity in — tag us on Instagram or use #mywildebeest!
Wildebeest's Guide to Exercising With Your Dog
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