Exchange & Return
We understand that finding the perfect size or style is not always easy because every Beest is unique and special in their own ways!
Wildebeest Exchange & Return Policy
- We accept Returns through our Return Portal within 30 days of order delivery.
- Return shipping costs are covered if you had purchased the "Free-Return Coverage" with your order, or the goods are received damaged or defective. Otherwise $5.95 will be charged to cover your return shipping costs within the U.S.
- Returned items must be in an unused condition for a full refund or exchange.
- Return items received in noticeably used (fur, dirt, scratch), washed, damaged, altered conditions will be subject to store credit at our discretion.
- Please do not send back items without going through the Return process.
- We're not responsible for lost packages or any extra costs incurred due to orders placed with incorrect/insufficient shipping addresses. Please make sure your shipping info is correct and up to date.
- Email us with any further questions: